adang1345 / delvewheel

Self-contained Python wheels for Windows

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Don't call add_dll_directory unless directory exists

rdb opened this issue · comments


Hi there,

Our packaging tool is running into problems (panda3d/panda3d#1492) with delvewheel-based dependencies since our tool places DLL dependencies in the root folder and does not create specific shapely.libs, scipy.libs, etc. subdirectories, which causes an error at runtime when os.add_dll_directory is called with a non-existent path.

We could masquerade as PyInstaller by setting sys._MEIPASS, but I'd rather not (I am worried about other side-effects), so we'll probably work around this by creating empty scipy.libs etc. subdirectories when a delvewheel-based wheel is detected. But it would be simpler if delvewheel simply checked whether the directory existed before calling os.add_dll_directory.

Alternatively, could you please provide guidance for how packaging tools are supposed to handle delvewheel-based wheels?


We ended up just automatically stripping code between # start delvewheel patch and # end delvewheel patch lines before compilation, can we rely on these lines not changing in the future?

Support for packaging tools is a challenge because packaging tools all use different techniques, and there's no well-defined standard for how they operate. I think it makes sense for the majority of the handling to be done within packaging tool. Anything done within delvewheel to assist a packaging tool would be on a best-effort basis only. I have submitted 359eebc.

As for the # start delvewheel patch and # end delvewheel patch lines, I see no reason to change them in the near future. However, I'm also not willing to promise to keep them the same if a good reason to change them arises in the next few years.