adamstruck / ophion

Language for making graph queries from data

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Language for making graph queries from data



Given a graph adhering to the tinkerpop interface, we want to make remote queries against it without exposing a gremlin console. To this end, Ophion provides a json-encoded schema for making graph queries as data:

 [{"label": "person"},
  {"as": "people"},
  {"outEdge": "created"},
  {"has": "weight", "within": [1.0]},
  {"inVertex": "software"},
  {"as": "software"},
  {"select": ["people", "software"]}]}

Given some json like this, you can parse it into a program that executes the given query when run:

import ophion.Ophion._
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.tinkergraph.structure.TinkerFactory

val graph = TinkerFactory.createModern
val traversal = graph.traversal.V()

val example = """{"query":
 [{"label": "person"},
  {"as": "people"},
  {"outEdge": "created"},
  {"has": "weight", "within": [1.0]},
  {"inVertex": "software"},
  {"as": "software"},
  {"select": ["people", "software"]}]}"""

val query = Query.fromString(example).compose
val result = query.foldMap(operationInterpreter(traversal)).head.toList

Gremlin functionality currently supported:

selecting vertexes or edges by label

{"label": "alphabet"}

values - getting just certain values rather than the whole vertex or edge property map

{"values": ["color", "pattern", "hair", "volume"]}

limit and range

{"limit": 13}
{"begin": 84, "end": 87}

has...within predicates

{"has": "arrow", "within": ["feathered", "of time", "prehistoric", "guide"]}

traversing from and to edges and vertexes

{"in": "pointing at me"}
{"out": "who I'm pointing at"}
{"inEdge": "hop up to the edge"}
{"outEdge": "same but with outgoing"}
{"inVertex": "from an edge, go to the vertex at one end"}
{"outVertex": "go to the vertex on the other end"}

count and counting by a property

{"count": ""}
..., {"groupCount": ""}, {"by": "color"}, ...

You can label different group counts and retrieve them with cap:

{"groupCount": "color"},
{"by": "color"},
{"groupCount": "faces"},
{"by": "faces"},
{"cap", ["color", "faces"]}, ...

marking a point in a traversal with as and selecting those points at the end of the traversal.

{"as": "birth place"}
... (do some stuff)
{"as": "resting place"}
{"select": ["birth place", "resting place"]} --> just get the endpoints

Ophion hopes to support the entire gremlin spec in the future, but for now these features already enable all of our current graph query use cases.


Language for making graph queries from data


Language:Clojure 48.0%Language:Python 13.2%Language:Scala 12.1%Language:HTML 11.0%Language:CSS 8.1%Language:JavaScript 4.7%Language:Go 2.7%Language:Shell 0.2%