adamsol / Pyxell

Multi-paradigm programming language compiled to C++, written in Python.

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Docs v. difficult to read due to poor contrast

mark-summerfield opened this issue · comments


I hope you offer a dark on light theme since I find the current light on dark practically unreadable. Which is a pity beause Pyxell looks interesting.

The contrast of text color #E1E1E1 on background color #2C3E50 in the documentation is 8.39:1 (by, so I wouldn't say it's poor (far better than 4.5:1 required by WCAG). However, I understand that some people prefer dark on light, and it was supposed to switch automatically based on your system settings (, but there was a problem with completely illegible code snippets in the light theme. This is of course something that needs to be fixed. Ideally, there should be a manual switch, as not everyone knows about the system color settings.

I have added light mode and a switch in the docs. Unfortunately, code snippets remain dark, as it's the default in Vuepress and it's difficult to change. See vuejs/vuepress#1401 and PrismJS/prism#807.


Thank you so much, the Light mode works great!
Now I can read your docs:-)