adamgruber / mochawesome

A Gorgeous HTML/CSS Reporter for Mocha.js

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mochawesome report options not working

mmatra opened this issue · comments

We recently upgraded mochawesome version and post update we see report options which we have configured are not being used.
The code was working fine from last 2 years, but now suddenly after the update it stopped.

module.exports = {
    diff: true,
    extension: ['js', 'ts'],
    opts: false,
    timeout: 50000,
    reporter: 'mochawesome',
    'reporter-options': [
    require: [
        path.resolve(__dirname, './test/jsdom-injection.js')

Versions used previously

"dependencies": {
        "@types/mocha": "~8.2.0",
        "jsdom": "~16.5.0",
        "jsdom-global": "~3.0.0",
        "mocha": "~8.2.0",
        "mochawesome": "~6.2.0",
        "mochapack": "~2.0.0"

New versions which we are using now

"dependencies": {
        "@types/mocha": "~8.2.0",
        "jsdom": "~16.6.0",
        "jsdom-global": "~3.0.0",
        "mocha": "~9.0.0",
        "mochapack": "~2.1.0",
        "mochawesome": "~6.2.0"

We never used to see code in our test report when we introduced
Now after updating moch and mochapack enableCode option is not working.
Even the report name is different than what we have configured in report options.

Found one more change.
We recently migrated from webpack 4 to webapck 5, can this cause an issue ?

I'm not able to reproduce the issue you are seeing. If possible, can you provide a small example repo illustrating the issue?

issue is resolved internally. 'reporter-options' is transformed in 'reporter-option' with lib/cli/options loadOption method

That's why when you try to read the output of the function, 'reporter-options' was undefined as everything is in 'reporter-option' (the official one, 'reporter-options' is only an alias)

You just don't read at the correct place

Thanks @paztis for your help.
@adamgruber , Thanks for your support and time.