adamgruber / mochawesome

A Gorgeous HTML/CSS Reporter for Mocha.js

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Mochaweome JSON Report: Tests Array is not getting parsed

anandprasathm opened this issue · comments


I am trying to read the mochawesome json report to identify the test cases status.

When i am trying to read the file using javascript, i am not able to parse the Tests Array.

Info as below

Sample Mochawesome Report:
"stats": {
"suites": 0,
"tests": 3,
"passes": 3,
"pending": 0,
"failures": 0,
"start": "2021-09-21T17:52:19.461Z",
"end": "2021-09-21T17:52:19.468Z",
"duration": 7,
"testsRegistered": 3,
"passPercent": 100,
"pendingPercent": 0,
"other": 0,
"hasOther": false,
"skipped": 0,
"hasSkipped": false
"results": [
"uuid": "e73ad4ea-2b61-4e37-94d9-a4097d9cea3c",
"title": "",
"fullFile": "",
"file": "",
"beforeHooks": [],
"afterHooks": [],
"tests": [
"title": "4444_should return -1 when the value is not present",
"fullTitle": "4444_should return -1 when the value is not present",
"timedOut": false,
"duration": 0,
"state": "passed",
"speed": "fast",
"pass": true,
"fail": false,
"pending": false,
"context": null,
"code": "assert.equal([1, 2, 3].indexOf(4), -1);",
"err": {},
"uuid": "962318a6-50d1-4f66-a6b6-5b8b8428c825",
"parentUUID": "e73ad4ea-2b61-4e37-94d9-a4097d9cea3c",
"isHook": false,
"skipped": false
"title": "5555 return -1 when the value is not present",
"fullTitle": "5555 return -1 when the value is not present",
"timedOut": false,
"duration": 0,
"state": "passed",
"speed": "fast",
"pass": true,
"fail": false,
"pending": false,
"context": null,
"code": "assert.equal([1, 2, 3].indexOf(4), -1);",
"err": {},
"uuid": "08c82b45-0cf1-4646-aeda-4b1026fccc5e",
"parentUUID": "e73ad4ea-2b61-4e37-94d9-a4097d9cea3c",
"isHook": false,
"skipped": false
"title": "6666_should return -1 when the value is not present",
"fullTitle": "6666_should return -1 when the value is not present",
"timedOut": false,
"duration": 0,
"state": "passed",
"speed": "fast",
"pass": true,
"fail": false,
"pending": false,
"context": null,
"code": "assert.equal([1, 2, 3].indexOf(4), -1);",
"err": {},
"uuid": "435849c6-78ca-49b1-84bc-69b0c02027d0",
"parentUUID": "e73ad4ea-2b61-4e37-94d9-a4097d9cea3c",
"isHook": false,
"skipped": false
"suites": [],
"passes": [
"failures": [],
"pending": [],
"skipped": [],
"duration": 0,
"root": true,
"rootEmpty": false,
"_timeout": 2000
"meta": {
"mocha": {
"version": "9.1.1"
"mochawesome": {
"options": {
"quiet": false,
"reportFilename": "mochawesome",
"saveHtml": true,
"saveJson": true,
"consoleReporter": "spec",
"useInlineDiffs": false,
"code": true
"version": "6.2.2"
"marge": {
"options": null,
"version": "5.2.0"

Javascript code:
function publishResults()
var outputReport = fs.readFileSync('./mochawesome-report/mochawesome.json', 'utf8');
var rpt=JSON.parse(outputReport);

Output console:


If we notice, tests property inside results array property, it is reported as '[Array]' instead of the values.

Is there anyway to get those values or am i mission something on the coding part?

The tests are being parsed correctly. The issue is you are hitting a depth limit with console.log. Take a look at this related question on SO. You should be able to use one of the solutions to print the entire object.