adamecr / Common.DMN.Engine

DMN Engine is a decision engine (rule engine) allowing to execute and evaluate the decisions defined in a DMN model. Its primary target is to evaluate the decision tables that transform the inputs into the output(s) using the decision rules.

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ParsedExpressionsCache Corruption when running multiple concurrent evaluations

nlysaght opened this issue · comments

The ParsedExpressionsCache in the class DmnExecutionContext is defined as a static Dictionary which in single threaded environments works fine.
In the case where there are multiple evaluations happening at the same time we get concurrency exceptions being throw by the .NET runtime, as the cache is being modified as it's been read from.
I downloaded the code to evaluate what the problem may be and found that changing the ParsedExpressionsCache to a ConcurrentDictionary overcame this issue.

Hello @nlysaght,
I can confirm both the issue as well as the option of using the ConcurrentDictionary. You can also refer to Issue #7 for more details - I think the workaround I described there may also help you.

I started with some "modernization" of the library that will include the support for the parallel execution, however - to be honest - don't have the time line yet

I keep the issue open as known issue so it doesn't get "hidden" in closed ones and will post the updates here

Hi @adamecr , thanks for the quick response. I'm am happy to help with the of the modernisation if you feel the tasks can be split up appropriately.

Just an update for general audience:
The version-1 that will also fix this issue is being prepared. The progress/updated information is being published here

the version 1 (1.0.0) was release - the package is published at NuGet and the master branch here is updated properly.
Closing the issue