adafruit / CircuitPython_Community_Bundle

A bundle of useful CircuitPython libraries from the CircuitPython community.

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HC-SR04 not working with 7.x

albowler opened this issue · comments


The hcsr04 sonar sensor, and the RCWL-1601 (lower voltage compatible sonar sensor) - does not work with the 7.x versions of CircuitPython, only if you downgrade the chip (tried with gemma m0 and itsy bitsy m0) - 6.x version will the sensors work again.

6.3.0.uf2, and use the 6.x version of adafruit_hcsr04.mpy

Thank you!

@albowler I would create an issue in the repository for that driver so it can be worked on there:

Closing since it can't be fixed from the bundle.