adafruit / Adafruit_CircuitPython_Bundle

A bundle of useful CircuitPython libraries ready to use from the filesystem.

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Incompatible mpy files

dakhunter opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to install the Adafruit library for ServoKit on my ESP8266 nodeMCU. I have tried to install on both CircuitPython and MicroPython per this tutorial
However, I kept running to the Incompatible .mpy files for both of them. On CircuitPython, I'm using Adafruit CircuitPython 3.1.2 and the CircuitPython_Bundle-3.x on the Release of the GitHub page
Here's the returned error when I import the file
And for MicroPython, I use esp8266-20180511-v1.9.4 version. I tried And I ran into the same issue as well.
Any help would be great :D

Make sure you don't have another copy of adafruit_pca9685 in the top-level of CIRCUITPY - it will choose that one first. Also, when you copy the bundle, make sure you do an Eject on Windows or a sync on Linux to ensure that all the files have been completely copied before resetting the board or unplugging it.

I only have one copy of the adafruit_pca9685 at a time. I'm using ESPlorer to send files over my ESP8266. The files I think are at the top level with the and
When I send the code to the ESP, the tool allows me to import the file. But when I save the file to the ESP, I cannot import the module.
Not sure where the error comes from here

So apparently transferring with ESPlorer mess up my file format somehow. When I transfer with webrepl, it let me import the modules for servos.
And it only works with micropython 1.8.x sadly

our libraries are not micropython compatible - circuitpython only :)

@dakhunter hiya is this resolved? we can close it?

Yes. It is resolved. I stuck with the older version of microPython and older version of Adafruit library and they worked like charm 💃