actix / sockjs

SockJS server for rust language

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

I would like to contribute

mygnu opened this issue · comments

Hey there, I would like to contribute to this project, although I'm relatively new to rust but if anyone can point me to the right direction towards how to go about upgrading it to the latest actix-web would be a good start.
I'm at your disposal 🤣

there are two big parts that needs to be upgraded

  • application - everything related to routing, actix-web 0.7 has changed in this regards
  • sockjs context - custom actor context
  • actix 0.7 introduced changes to Address impl

Thanks @fafhrd91 I have started with updating the deps without breaking cargo build. Trying to get my head around what's going on there 😕 . is there a way/other channel I can talk to you about the internals if there are any specific questions.

Actix or actix-web in gitter

cool, link please?