acouvreur / traefik-ondemand-service

Traefik ondemand service for the traefik ondemand plugin

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Kubernetes support

mschneider82 opened this issue · comments

Hi, i have mostly finished the kubernetes support

since "name" in the api is very less, i use the "name" value with an delimiter _ to get all informations about the service

For Kubernetes the following informations are needed:

kind (e.g. deployment), namespace, name, replicacount(1)

          name: deployment_namespace_application_1
          serviceUrl: 'http://traefik-ondemand-service:10000'
          timeout: 10m

Is this fine for a pull req?

edit: changed delimiter from * to _

First of all, thank you for working on kubernetes support !

Yes I guess that could do it, * or _.

I think you can open the PR as a draft, this way I will provide more in depth reviews :)

I changed the delimiter to _ since its an invalid char for namespace strings, so its fine.

can you add the projects to hacktoberfest github topic please, so my contributions will count? i think i have an working PR tomorrow

I just added the tag hacktoberfest to both this repo and the plugin repo.
If you also can provide a working example for K8S, it would be awsome !

thanks, its good that this service is seperate from the plugin code, otherwhise it would be difficult so speak with kubernetes, since traefik would need RBAC roles to access the api and cluster, which could be dangerous. embedding this service into plugin should not be done.