acolomitchi / UnrollingAndLocality

Experiments in C++ on the effects on performance of 'template loop unrolling' and 'CPU cache data locality'

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Experiments in C++ on template loop unwinding and data locality effects on performance

In brief

Some experiments on the effects on performance of:

  1. data representation influence on CPU cache(s) data locality - I felt the need of seeing some numbers after watching this part of Chandler Carruth's "Efficiency with Algorithms, Performance with Data Structures" presentation at CPPcon 2014; and
  2. explicit loop unwinding at compile-time by using of C++ templates.

The playground: have different representations of a N-dimensional point and a collection thereof and compute all the (distinct) distances between these points. Study (roughly) the execution time for the above in the context of a largish set of points - so far I used 10000 points, which amounts to about 5 millions distinct distances to be calculated.

The 'loop unwinding' technique is applied to the individual distance point calculations, while the 'CPU caches data locality' is explored by storing the N-dim point collection either as:

  1. a vector of structs - all coordinates of a point are locally packed; vs
  2. a set of arrays of coordinates, each array containing the coordinates pertaining to one axis/dimension for all points.

(similar to row-major vs column major, but not quite the same)

Don't expect deep-digging into the guts of the CPU's caches, not even detailed dissection (by instrumentation) of how much to CPU time different parts of the application contributes - the analysis only looks at the overall execution time.
In fact, as it stands right now (late Oct 2016), not much analysis is available, only some preliminary observations and a stable piece of code. In regards with the analysis, I do intend to look a bit more into it if the conditions allow in the future.

The compile-time loop unwinding - the technique

Suppose you have a method that computes the squared difference between the coordinates of two N-dim points along one of the axis/dimension (pseudo-code):

sq_diff(index, point a, point b) {
   return diff*diff;

The iterative way of computing the euclidian distance is the trivial:

const ndim=...; // number of dimensions

euclid_dist(point a, point b) {
    for(i in [0, ndim) ) {
      sq_dist+=sq_diff(i, a, b);
    return sqrt(sq_dist);

A (runtime) way of recursively computing the same, would be on the line of:

const ndim=...; // number of dimensions

accumulator(index, stepsToGo, point a, point b) {
  if(stepsToGo == 0) { // safety recursion stop
    return 0.0;
  else if(stepsToGo == 1) { 
    // formally, this isn't necessary, but why make an empty step?
    return sq_diff(index, a, b);
  return sq_diff(index, a, b)+accumulator(index+1, stepsToGo-1, a, b);

unwound_euclid_dist(point a, point b) {
  return sqrt(accumulator(0, ndim, a, b);

While the recursive solution will be clearly sub-optimal if applied runtime (there will be an overhead of calling the accumulator function which adds to the call of sq_diff), if one can determine the compiler to inline both the sq_diff and the accumulator functions then the net result is the 'compile time loop unwinding':

unwound_euclid_dist(point a, point b) {
  return sqrt((a[0]-b[0])^2 + (a[1]-b[1])^2 + ... + (a[ndim-1]-b[ndim-1])^2);

Before jumping into the code:

  1. A note: looking over the pseudo-code above, one can really see that the only requirement against a `point` type is to provide the 'access by index operator', so any structure which implements `operator[]` will make a sufficiently-good point representation (including an array of an arithmetic type to hold the coordinates)
  2. the `accumulator` function can be made generic enough to work not only the `sq_diff` but other functions as well - one will need just to pass the `sq_diff` (or other function) as a parameter.
     accumulator(index, stepsToGo, operation, point a, point b) {
       // ... recursion stop guard
       return operation(index, a, b)+accumulator(index+1, stepsToGo-1, a, b);
     unwound_euclid_dist(point a, point b) {
       return sqrt(accumulator(0, ndim, sq_diff, a, b));
     // computes the Manhattan distance along the `index` dimension
     abs_diff(index, point a, point b) {
       return abs(a[i]-b[i]);
     unwound_manhattan_dist(point a, point b) {
       return accumulator(0, ndim, abs_diff, a, b);

    Going one step further (and that's the last one), the operation parameter can be thought as a function operating on coordinate of point a and having point b as sort of a 'context', so that the most general concept of the accumulator could be expressed by a signature like

    accumulator(begin_index, len, input_array, operation, operation_context)


    • `begin_index` - offset into the `array_argument` to start applying the `operation` and accumulate the result
    • `len` - the number of steps to go, starting from the `begin_index`
    • `input_array` - any structure supporting the `[index]` operator and acting as input
    • `operation` - the transformation to apply to each element of the `input_array` before accumulating the results of this transformation;
    • `operation_context` - any additional information required for the `operation` to transform the input. In the most general case, the type of this parameter can be anything it just so happens that in the case of `sq_diff`, this context is made from the second `point` (the one to calculate the distance to).

So, now, the code... (btw, it's located in the utils\utils.hpp header). There's the need to express the accumulator and sq_diff functions in a way that will.. well... compel the compiler to:

  1. inline those functions when any optimisations are considered
  2. make the runtime dependency of those functions limited to only what will be runtime specific: namely the two points.


  • express them in the form of templates, taking the dimensions and indexes/offsets as template parameters
  • rely on the 'template definition recursion' rather than runtime recursion (that's compile time loop unwinding, right?)
  • as C++ does not allow partial specialization of function templates, we'll need to deal with class templates and implement the runtime functionality as methods of these templates
template <
  std::size_t N, // number of steps to go in the recursive definition
  typename Result, // the result type of the accumulation
  typename container_type, // the input type. Expected to define the [] operator
  std::size_t Offset, // offset from the start where from to start accumulating
  template <
     // result type of the transformation
     typename R_type,
     // which element of the input to use in transformation 
     std::size_t OffsetIx, 
     // the type of additional info
     typename context_type, 
     // other types on which the transformation depends 
  > class op, // the `operation` type. Expected to implement an `apply` static method, see the calling code below
  typename ctx_type, // the type of additional info that to be passed when 
                     // specializing the `op` 
  typename... opArgs // other types to pass at `op` specialization
> struct rec_accumulator {
  inline static Result accumulate(
      const container_type& src, const ctx_type& context
  ) {
        op<Result, Offset, ctx_type, opArgs...>::apply(src, context) // one step...
      + rec_accumulator< // ... added to the rest recursivelly
          N-1, Result, container_type, Offset+1, op, ctx_type, opArgs...
        // ^                           ^ 
        // +-- one step less to go     +-- One index to the right   
        >::accumulate(src, context)

// template specialization for the case the number of steps is 1
// (help the compiler recurse one step less)
template <
  typename Result,
  typename container_type,
  std::size_t Offset,
  template <
     typename R_type, std::size_t OffsetIx, 
     typename context_type, typename...Other
  > class op,
  typename ctx_type,
  typename... opArgs
struct rec_accumulator<1, Result, container_type, Offset, op, ctx_type, opArgs...> {
  inline static Result accumulate(
      const container_type& c, 
      const ctx_type& context
  ) {
    // one step without adding "the rest", because "the rest" will be zero
    return op<Result, Offset, ctx_type, opArgs...>::apply(c, context);

// just for safety, in case one calls into rec_accumulator with a N of zero 
template <
  typename Result,
  typename container_type,
  std::size_t Offset,
  template <
     typename R_type, std::size_t OffsetIx, 
     typename context_type, typename...Other
  > class op,
  typename ctx_type,
  typename... opArgs
struct rec_accumulator<0, Result, container_type, Offset, op, ctx_type, opArgs...> {
  inline static Result accumulate(
      const container_type& /* c */, 
      const ctx_type& /* context */
  ) {
    return static_cast<Result>(0.0);

Data locality in CPU's caches

Well... not exactly.
Yes, choosing different storage layouts will influence how the data is brought into CPU caches, but... no, this is not actually a proper experiment to _actually determine_ the CPU cache hits/misses rates and/or out-of-order execution.

The approach taken is to store the points in a collection in two different ways:

  1. packed-points approach - storing ndpoint instances in a std::vector
  2. parallel lines of coordinates - storing the coordinates along each dimension in a separate arrays of the primitive type (SFINAE restricted to std::is_floating_point), arrays which 'run in parallel'. The 'points' are accessible by a 'point iterator' - a read-only iterator that only stores the 'current index' and provides the operator[] façade required to bring the coordinates of a (stored) point in a way the distance computing algorithms above expects them for consumption.

The classes to support the two approaches are located in the model\model.hpp header, namely the

  1. template <typename R, std::size_t N> class ndpoint - the structured/packed approach to N-dimensional point (R coordinate representation type, N - number of dimensions fixed at compile time);
  2. template <typename R, std::size_t ndim> class ParallelPointStorage and its (inner declared class) ParallelPointStorage::PointIt adaptor for the operator[] over the coordinates of a point (again, R coordinate representation type, ndim - number of dimensions).

The main idea behind the 'parallel lines of coordinates' approach: an attempt to... ummm... 'entice' the out-of-order execution to kick in and do part of the work along some dimensions (having the required memory loaded into the CPU cache) even when the memory for the other dimensions isn't yet cache-available.
By contrast, the 'packed approach' needs all the data for the two points in CPU cache to be able to compute the distance; so the 'packed approach' may show signs of waiting time in some conditions (yes, I do know that this is highly speculative and there are more factors coming into play, factors that one cannot control at the software level; I don't pretend this to be a systematic study, much less a comprehensive one).


Too early to have definitive answers: when conditions will allow, I intend to explore the effects of `{optimization flags} x {number of dimensions} x {number of points in set}` for at least some machines I have available (all running Linux/gcc).

For the moment (late Oct 2016), I can say only the followings:

  • for ndim=3, all the algorithms run slower than for ndim=8, no matter the optimization flags!!! (struct alignment playing a role into it???)
  • there seems to be combination of optimization flags/ndim for which the 'loop unwinding' produces code that is faster than the iterated approach to distance computation (e.g. -O2 with a ndim=8)
  • there are a set of conditions in which the 'parallel storage' do run faster on distances computed iteratively (and yet, for 'unrolled loops', looks that the 'parallel storage' is always slower than the 'packed approach')
  • the loop unwinding seems to interfere badly with -O3 optimization - the performance of compile-time unrolled loops solution seems to suffer for a large range of ndim values
  • on one of my laptops, the performance degrade as the test progresses and the CPU temperature raises. I wonder this will show a desktop with beefed up CPU cooler that I have;
  • as expected, with debug builds, the 'loop unwinding' approach will run much slower (no inlining, therefore the recursion happens runtime)


  1. enhance the main function (the test driver) to output the info in a format making the post-processing (stats, plotting) easier
  2. write a (sh/bash) harness to compile with different optimization flags and ndim values (of course, ndim will need to be #define-d). Possibly, make the harness kick off the testing and collate the results (maybe some extra tooling will be needed for result collation?)


Experiments in C++ on the effects on performance of 'template loop unrolling' and 'CPU cache data locality'


Language:C++ 51.9%Language:Makefile 30.3%Language:Shell 9.5%Language:C 8.4%