achannarasappa / ticker

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Holdings ignored when using CoinGecko

ajgringo619 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When using CoinGecko as a data source, the ticker prices are being retrieved, but the holdings are being ignored

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Switch from Yahoo! to CoinGecko
  2. Start ticker
  3. Get no holdings data

Expected behavior
Data source should not affect holdings calculations


Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Linux
  • Terminal: xfce4-terminal
  • ticker Version: v4.5.6

Additional context
Here is how my holdings config looks:

- holdings:
  - quantity: N/A
    symbol: CARDANO.CG
    unit_cost: N/A
  - quantity: N/A
    symbol: KAVA-USD
    unit_cost: N/A

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