achannarasappa / ticker

Terminal stock ticker with live updates and position tracking

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Watchlist is now showing up in all group tabs

ajgringo619 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Watch lists are no longer separated by group; this is even present using the sample .yaml.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start with options:
show-summary: true
show-tags: false
show-fundamentals: true
show-separator: true
show-holdings: true
sort: value
interval: 10
currency: USD
currency-summary-only: false

Expected behavior
Watch lists should stay separated by group if configured that way.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [Linux]
  • Terminal: [gnome-terminal]
  • Terminal Version: [3.42.2]
  • ticker Version: [v4.5.0]

Additional context
Here's my (abbreviated) .yaml file:

  - name: crypto
      - CURE-USD
      - DOGE-USD
      - LINK-USD
      - LTC-USD
      - MANA-USD
      - MATIC-USD
      - MKR-USD
      - SOL-USD
      - TRX-USD
      - YFI-USD
      - ZRX-USD

      - symbol: "ADA-USD"
        quantity: xxxxx
        unit_cost: xxxxx

      - symbol: "BTC-USD"
        quantity: xxxxx
        unit_cost: xxxxx

  - name: stocks
      - CTIC
      - ERF
      - HLMN
      - INDI
      - KNTNF
      - PSFE
      - ROVR
      - SFT
      - symbol: "ACHL"
        quantity: xxxxx
        unit_cost: xxxxx

      - symbol: "BTG"
        quantity: xxxxx
        unit_cost: xxxxx

Thanks for reporting this - it should be fixed in the latest release but let me know if you still see the issue on your end

Works perfectly - thanks a bunch!