Achanandhi-M / AWS-EC2

Struggling to create an EC2 instance? In this repository, I will guide you to create an EC2 instance within 4 seconds. The only prerequisite is to have an AWS account. If you don't have one, create an account using the AWS Free Tier

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Struggling to create an EC2 instance? In this repository, I will guide you to create an EC2 instance within 4 seconds. The only prerequisite is to have an AWS account. If you don't have one, create an account using the AWS Free Tier:

Remember, EC2 instances are region-specific. This means that when you launch an EC2 instance, you need to select the AWS region in which it will be created. Each AWS region is a separate geographic area, and resources, including EC2 instances, are confined to the region where they are launched.

In the Search Box Type "EC2"

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With the Centralized EC2 Dashboard, we can obtain details of the EC2 Service

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Click the Launch Instance Icon to Launch an instance

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Name your instance and choose the operating system that you want your instance to use. The best part when using an EC2 instance is you don't need to install the operating system, instead manually, it is already pre-configured by AWS in the form of AMI(Amazon Machine Image), you can also create your own AMI.

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When you Use AWS free-tier there is a restriction in choosing AMI, for free-tier you have the option to use Amazon Linux from AWS

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The network is the backbone of everything. We can create our own Virtual network for our resources in AWS by using the AWS VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) service. There is no VPC currently running in this region, so it is showing a '-' value.

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In the Search Box Type "VPC"

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You can create your VPC based on your use case and requirements. For simplicity, I have created a default VPC.

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Click Create default VPC

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We have successfully created a VPC. Below, there is an option to view the setup in graphical form.

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Security Groups are a security feature in EC2. We can set rules to define permissions for accessing our instance.

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If you want to set up additional configurations, you can click on Advanced setup options; otherwise, click on Launch Instance.

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Within 3 seconds, we have a brand new server up and running. This is the real power of the cloud. Check the instance state to verify the status of your instance.

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If you want to create another EC2 instance, follow the same instructions mentioned above.

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2 instances are running and the instance type is "t2.micro".

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Always follow best practices to delete cloud resources when they are not needed; it also helps to reduce your cloud bills

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I also want to mention here the new update from the AWS EC2 team. They introduced a new feature to monitor resource usage, which is an awesome addition. In the AWS Free Tier, we have the option to use EC2 for 750 hours monthly. This feature helps us track both resource usage of EBS and instances.

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For any AWS or EC2-related doubts, reach out to me via email at


Struggling to create an EC2 instance? In this repository, I will guide you to create an EC2 instance within 4 seconds. The only prerequisite is to have an AWS account. If you don't have one, create an account using the AWS Free Tier