achadwick / styrene

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Limit the list of formats associated with a program in the installer

jjmarin opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to build an installer for Evince, the Document Viewer. The installer created using the following .cfg files asks the user to "Select components to install" with a long list of formats that the program could open. I don't know where this list of formats is taken and how can I limit the list of formats.
$ cat evince.cfg
packages = {pkg_prefix}evince
display_name = Evince
description = Document viewer for popular multi-page formats
launchers = evince.desktop evince-terminal

; TODO: expand this. No idea if this correct, just copy-paste from the gedit example
delete =
; save some major time during configuration

; TODO: expand this
nodelete =

# The standard "Document Viewer" name only makes sense in GNOME, so
# override that.

name = Evince Document Viewer

# Also make a version that runs in the terminal, just to test %F.

name = Evince Document Viewer (showing terminal output)
terminal = True
icon = evince
exec = evince %F

Try overriding mimetype in your launcher block.