acdlite / recompose

A React utility belt for function components and higher-order components.

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shouldUpdate does not work if parent triggers child render

TrevorHinesley opened this issue · comments

In React's shouldComponentUpdate callback, if false is returned, the component will not re-render, even if its parent's props change (i.e. when a parent forces its tree of children to re-render because its own props changed, those children will not render if their shouldComponentUpdate returns false).

After much debugging today, I realized that shouldUpdate not does behave the same way. If the child is re-rendering because its props changed and not because of a parent's props changing (which in turn re-renders its tree), it works fine. But if the child is re-rendering because its parent's props changed (re-rendering the parent's tree of children), it overlooks shouldUpdate and the children re-render despite the return value of shouldUpdate. The same is true for lifecycle's componentShouldUpdate from what I can tell.

I am not sure if onlyUpdateForKeys or onlyUpdateForProps have the same issue.

I'm having this issue in my work application aswell. I tried to reproduce the issue in a codesandbox but couldn't O.o
I'm using the exact same versions of recompose and react.

When this bug ocurrs, every click on the button should send the message to the console again.

I can't reproduce it.

This happened to me too and the same behavior happens for onlyUpdateForKeys. I'm using shouldUpdate or onlyUpdateForKeys in an HOC that is a component in another HOC. When the parent HOC updates, the child HOC updates regardless of the return value of shouldUpdate or onlyUpdateForKeys;