aburgasser / splat

SpeX Prism Spectral Analysis Toolkit

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classifyByIndex method not working

daniellabardalezgagliuffi opened this issue · comments

b,be = splat.classifyByIndex(sp,set='Burgasser')

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 1, in
b,be = splat.classifyByIndex(sp,set='Burgasser')

File "/Users/daniella/Python/splat/splat/core.py", line 4261, in classifyByIndex
indices = measureIndexSet(sp, **kwargs)

File "/Users/daniella/Python/splat/splat/core.py", line 5945, in measureIndexSet
ind,err = measureIndex(sp,*ranges[i],method=methods[i],sample=samples[i],**kwargs)

TypeError: measureIndex() got multiple values for argument 'method'

sorry, this is turning into a surprisingly deep bug, still working on it

OK, that was a deep one but is now up and running; let me know if the error comes back