absop / RainbowBrackets

A rainbow brackets plugin for SublimeText4.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Extension of current color scheme causes ST3's Git integration colors to shift

unitof opened this issue · comments

Before installing RainbowBrackets:
Screen Shot 2020-02-18 at 3 05 05 PM

Screen Shot 2020-02-18 at 3 05 26 PM

(Both of these are with the default ST3 color scheme of Monokai active.)

Note the change in colors of Git icons in sidebar, and green diff market in the gutter.

ST3 documentation says

the color of the badges will…adapt to the closest hue in the active color scheme.

My guess is the logic is that there's some "canonical" color for these icons, and it does some color diffing algorithm to find the closest in the active theme. However, because of the way RainbowBrackets extends the active theme with rainbow colors (see Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Color Schemes/RainbowBracket/[NameOfCurrentTheme].sublime-color-scheme), it ends up selecting really garish bright colors for these git icons.

Is there any setting or way to have RainbowBrackets add the colors it needs for brackets, but have ST3 stick with the original color scheme's colors for git icons?

For anyone wondering how to go back to normal after having this issue.

  1. Remove rainbow brackets
  2. Remove the file Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Color Schemes/RainbowBracket/[NameOfCurrentTheme].sublime-color-scheme (folder Packages can be opened through Preferences > Browse Packages
  3. SublimeText will give an error, but restarting it should be enough to get rid of those blues.

Have this problem too. I hope it will be resolved in a future update because RainbowBrackets are awesome.
I will not use it for now only because of this.