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The render result were some videos

MLGBXXX opened this issue · comments

Hi Abril Corona-Figueroa,

The render result I got were some videos and they are not clear.
The render procedure was the same as your Github's.

Could you please tell me whether the result is correct?
Or the render result and my procedure are wrong?
Many thanks!

According to your instruction, the render procedure is:

python render_xray_G.py configs/Chest.yaml /
--xray_img_path /content/drive/MyDrive/MedNerF/Chest
--save_dir ./renderings /
--model /content/drive/MyDrive/MedNerF/results/model_best.pt /
--save_every 25 /
--psnr_stop 25

While the img is single picture of your dataset:
chest_xrays all images of the 20 chest instances (.png, res. 128x128).
And the model is your trained model of Github.


Could I get clearer picture (the same as your paper) after rendering?

cannot import name 'searchsorted' from 'torchsearchsorted' (unknown location)


我得到的渲染结果是一些视频,它们不清楚。渲染过程与 Github 相同。



python render_xray_G.py configs/Chest.yaml / --xray_img_path /content/drive/MyDrive/MedNerF/Chest --save_dir ./renderings / --model /content/drive/MyDrive/MedNerF/results/model_best.pt / --save_every 25 / --psnr_stop 25

虽然 img 是数据集的单张图片:chest_xrays 20 个胸部实例的所有图像(.png,分辨率 128x128)。该模型是经过训练的 Github 模型。


Hello, how was the third line of the visualization results in the paper implemented? What did you do with the unclear video generated by the code?