aboul3la / Sublist3r

Fast subdomains enumeration tool for penetration testers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Virus total bullshit

excep opened this issue · comments


I'm not a programer and I want to use this dump tool but Virus tootal is using a captcha so it keeps blocking this dump tool from using its data, so my question is how the fucking fuckly fuck can I use virust total API or integret it into this dumpt tool so it stops blocking this dump tool !!? any one help us make the world a better place.
Thank you in advance.

sublist3r -d www.bmw.de

             ____        _     _ _     _   _____
            / ___| _   _| |__ | (_)___| |_|___ / _ __
            \___ \| | | | '_ \| | / __| __| |_ \| '__|
             ___) | |_| | |_) | | \__ \ |_ ___) | |
            |____/ \__,_|_.__/|_|_|___/\__|____/|_|

            # Coded By Ahmed Aboul-Ela - @aboul3la

[-] Enumerating subdomains now for www.bmw.de
[-] Searching now in Baidu..
[-] Searching now in Yahoo..
[-] Searching now in Google..
[-] Searching now in Bing..
[-] Searching now in Ask..
[-] Searching now in Netcraft..
[-] Searching now in DNSdumpster..
[-] Searching now in Virustotal..
[-] Searching now in ThreatCrowd..
[-] Searching now in SSL Certificates..
[-] Searching now in PassiveDNS..
[!] Error: Virustotal probably now is blocking our requests

Fix without an API key #327

@aboul3la merge please