abo-abo / org-download

Drag and drop images to Emacs org-mode

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

org-download-clipboard does nothing

endlessMagic opened this issue · comments

Hi, I am using spacemacs (0.300.0@27.1) under Windows 10.
The org-download is configured as suggested in README.md:

(require 'org-download)

;; Drag-and-drop to `dired`
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'org-download-enable)

But when I try to insert an image from clipboard with org-download-clipboard, nothing happens. Could anyone tell me how to troubleshoot this?

Hi, @endlessMagic
I have the same problom, org-download-clipboard does nothing, but the drag-and-drop can work well.
I have installed the imagemagick and convert.
How do you solve this problom?

See issue 207 and pull request 184

Since it is not merged yet, here is a TL;DR :

  • install ImageMagick and have it on your path
  • patch org-download.el : fix the org-download-clipboard function by replacing all occurences of convert by magick
  • make sure to remove org-download.elc if it exists, otherwise emacs will not use your modified version