abo-abo / org-download

Drag and drop images to Emacs org-mode

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

`org-download-clipboard` uses legacy `convert` on Windows

dominique-unruh opened this issue · comments

On Windows (incl. cygwin) org-download-clipboard tries to use the convert command line utility from ImageMagick. convert is legacy (and not installed by default anymore). magick can be used instead (e.g. magick clipboard: test.png saves the clipboard as a PNG).

Using convert on Windows fails without error message because there is a builtin c:/WINDOWS/system32/convert.exe (at least on Windows 11) that converts filesystems, so this one is used.

see #184

Can confirm I encounter this issue, hope shelper's PR will be accepted