AbmSourav / AbmSourav

Github Profile

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Hi I'm Keramot

A self-taught, passionate Full Stack Developer with years of extensive professional experience. I am well-versed in WordPress plugin development and Laravel backend development. I am also the author of multiple Composer packages and NPM libraries. I am a Certified Scrum Developer (CSD). I am also skilled in CI/CD pipeline setup, Project planning, and leading team. Contributor and author of different open-source products. WordPress core contributor.
Skilled in PHP, JavaScript, Rest API, WordPress Plugin Development, Laravel, and TypeScript. My featured works are pinned below.

Lead Maintainer of CodesVault
Author and Core developer of Kathamo Framework
My Portfolio
Read my Blog

Collaboration: keramotul.islam@gmail.com
Wanna Talk: https://m.me/sourav926



Github Profile

License:MIT License