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issue with Intel compiler 2021

udonj opened this issue · comments

I got the problem compiling abini 9.10.1 9.10.3 (didn't check further) with
mpif90 -v
ifort version 2021.11.0. (it did compile fine with 2018 compiler so)
i also tried with 2024 ifx compiler , it didn't help.
whatever i tried it complains here

../../../src/44_abitypes_defs/m_results_gs.F90(840): error #6911: The syntax of this substring is invalid. [RPRIMD]
abc = [(sqrt(sum(cryst%rprimd(:, ii) ** 2)), ii=1,3)]
compilation aborted for ../../../src/44_abitypes_defs/m_results_gs.F90 (code 1)

Please help me as the only what i left with is GNU compiler which i didn't yet tried but will.
all other auxiliary codes compiled fine.
|Feature |Enabled |Init |Working |Fallback|
|abinit_common |no |def |unknown |no |
|bigdft |no |def |unknown |avail |
|fft |yes |def |yes |no |
|fftw3 |yes |dir |unknown |no |
|gpu |no |def |no |no |
|hdf5 |yes |dir |yes |avail |
|levmar |no |def |unknown |no |
|libpaw |no |def |unknown |no |
|libpsml |no |def |unknown |avail |
|libxc |yes |dir |yes |avail |
|libxml2 |yes |dir |yes |no |
|linalg |yes |env |yes |avail |
|mpi |yes |dir |yes |no |
|netcdf |yes |dir |yes |avail |
|netcdf_fortran |yes |dir |no |avail |
|papi |no |def |unknown |no |
|pfft |no |def |unknown |no |
|triqs |no |def |unknown |no |
|wannier90 |yes |dir |no |avail |
|xmlf90 |no |def |unknown |avail |