abhishekkrthakur / colabcode

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Colab disconnecting in an hour

ashwani-bhat opened this issue · comments

I am using ColabCode from the last 3, 4 months and I have never encountered the problem with colab disconnecting while I was writing code. Recently, Colab is getting disconnecting within an hour after I run colabcode even when I am writing the code. Can anyone help me with this.
I am using Colab Pro.

Please use api_key from ngrok to avoid this issue. You can get the API key for free when you create an account on ngrok.

Hi @abhi1thakur , do you mean the authtoken. If yes, I am using the authtoken but it is still getting disconnected in an hour. If it's something else, kindly guide me.

@ashwani-bhat can you try a version lower than the latest and let me know if issue happens?

@abhishekkrthakur I tried with the version 0.2.0 but the problem still exists.
I have attached the ss below, as you can see, that colab is getting disconnected in exactly 1 hour after use. Thanks for the help.

Hi @ashwani-bhat there is an issue with colab pro timeout. I don't think there is an issue with colabcode pkg. Pls check with other google non-subscriber account. Let us know if issue still persist.



hi @misalraj I have actually encountered this problem only recently (AFAIR, it starting happening in June). Before that everything was working quite smooth, I was infact able to connect up to 24 hours. If this is a Google thing, is there any workaround as to how can I keep the connection persistent even after 1 hour (since only colabcode code keeps in running in colab). If yes, kindly help.

There is a hack to keep colab running. I dont know If you ever tried on not...

LInk --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpQaAbMmqkA&ab_channel=HACKANONS
Do check this and try with this trick.

I will look into this. Thanks for the help