abhishekkrthakur / colabcode

Run VSCode (codeserver) on Google Colab or Kaggle Notebooks

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Tunnel dbe97d507087.ngrok.io not found

giangdip2410 opened this issue · comments

I just found this issue when connect codeserver using google colab. Anybody have solution for this ? thank you

I am getting the same error on Colab. The server runs on Kaggle notebooks


Same error on Colab...

Same error Tunnel <random_alphanumeric>.ngrok.io not found

I got this output
<Code Server can be accessed on: NgrokTunnel: "http://a3fc17cf4831.ngrok.io" -> "http://localhost:10000">
and i clicked the first link "http://a3fc17cf4831.ngrok.io"
the chrome told me Tunnel a3fc17cf4831.ngrok.io not found

It seems like google colab has been blocking tunnels like ngrok. If I am able to find a workaround, ill implement it. Currently, we wait :(

@abhishekkrthakur I don't know if this work or not, but this localhost tunnel is made with python and it have similarity with ngrok which is subdomain https://github.com/azimjohn/jprq
Maybe it can replace ngrok.

Apparently, the issue was on ngrok side and they seem to have resolved it now. I just checked and everything works!


yes,it works fine on colab now.
thanks a lot


Thanks Man!

thank you so much @abhishekkrthakur

I just tested it and it seems to be working fine.