Too many connections! The tunnel session 'ts_1hlqlpmaWrbJN1bOTucLT1dsx2M'
hiteshhedwig opened this issue · comments
Too Many Connections
Too many connections! The tunnel session 'ts_1hlqlpmaWrbJN1bOTucLT1dsx2M' has violated the rate-limit policy of 20 connections per minute by initiating 26 connections in the last 60 seconds. Please decrease your inbound connection volume or upgrade to a paid plan for additional capacity.
The error encountered was: ERR_NGROK_702
What does this even mean?
I tried using code server as always. Throws unprecedented error.
Same as an old issue #23 .
fixed it in #36
Get authorization token from "Setup & Installation" tab in your ngrok account and pass it to authtoken
fixed it in #36
Get authorization token from "Setup & Installation" tab in your ngrok account and pass it toauthtoken
Hello! When I add my token into the authtoken argument, I get the message "Tunnel not found". Do you have any advice?
This is because ngrok tunnel is created using free account which gives limit to make 20 api requests per minute.
You can try this on your local machine for more detail with :
1. sudo snap install ngrok
2. jupyter notebook
3. ngrok http 8888
You will see number of requests made and when it exceeds limit of 20 the error you are facing will occur.
I hope it will help you understand clear picture of this problem.