abhishekkrthakur / colabcode

Run VSCode (codeserver) on Google Colab or Kaggle Notebooks

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ColabCode on Google Colab doesn't open Jupiter lab

darvin opened this issue · comments

cc.ColabCode(port = 10000,  lab = True , authtoken="my_ngrok_token", mount_drive=True)

authtoken saved to configuration file: /root/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml
Public URL: NgrokTunnel: "https://0f6f-35-245-42-159.ngrok.io/" -> "http://localhost:10000/"
Jupyter lab token: b9d9465e-cdca-11ec-ba51-0242ac1c0002

no contents https://0f6f-35-245-42-159.ngrok.io/lab? or https://0f6f-35-245-42-159.ngrok.io/

I noticed the same problem when using lab=True. The / seems to redirect to /lab? which reports a HTTP 500 error in the console (though the page is blank).