AbhishekKhot / Recipe-App

This is the Recipe App in Android using kotlin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is the Recipe App in Android Usese a remote API to fetch recipe data and it is shown in app & recipe's can also be saved in room database implemented in the app

App Features:

  1. Different categories of recipes are shown in home screen
  2. User can see particuler type of recipes ordered by categories
  3. Also user is able to search recipe's
  4. User can save the favorite recipes to the database


Used Tech:

  1. Navigation component
  2. Retrofit
  3. Room Database
  4. Motion Layouts
  5. Navigation safeArgs
  6. Dagger-Hilt
  7. Preference Datastore
  8. Paging library
  9. Kotlin coroutines
  10. Kotlin flows
  11. LiveData
  12. ViewPager2
  13. WebView

Splash Screen and OnBoarding Screens



All Categories and details Screens



Saved Recipes Screens and Search Recipe Screens

