abhijeetsrivastava / naVi

Yet another nVim OpenAI plugin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

naVi - Your NeoVim assistant

Natural language first based development


navi.open() will open a prompt. Use this prompt to tell naVi what to do. For example, insert a React component outline.

navi.openRange() will open a prompt using the current selection as context. Use this prompt to get naVi to make changes to the selected text. For example, remove a bug.

navi.openFile() will open a prompt using the current file as context. Use this prompt to get naVi to make changes to the current file. For example, add a new function.

navi.requestReview() will request a review using the current selection as context. The final report will open in a separate window, and will not alter the selected text.

navi.explainRange() will provide an explanation of code using the current selection as context. The explanation will open in a separate window and will not alter the selected text.

navi.openChat() will open a chat interface where you can discuss your code with GPT.




Add the following to your Packer config

        requires = {'jcdickinson/http.nvim', run = 'cargo build --workspace --release'},


Add the following to your Lazy.vim config

  dependencies = { 
      "jcdickinson/http.nvim", build = "cargo build --workspace --release",
  config = function()
    require("navi").setup({ })
  keys = {
    { "<C-PageDown>", "<cmd>lua require('navi').open()<cr>", mode = "i", desc = "NaVI prompt" },
    { "<C-PageDown>", "<cmd>lua require('navi').openRange()<cr>", mode = "v", desc = "NaVI prompt with context" },
    { "<C-PageUp>", "<cmd>lua require('navi').requestReview()<cr>", mode = "v", desc = "NaVI request review" },


in ~/.config/nvim/after/plugin/navi.lua:

local navi = require('navi')

    -- OpenAI token. Required
    openai_token = "<token>", -- Alternatively, use environment variable OPENAI_TOKEN=<token>
    -- OpenAI model. Optional. Default is gpt-3.5-turbo
    openai_model = "gpt-3.5-turbo",
    -- OpenAI max tokens. Optional. Default is 512
    openai_max_tokens = 512,
    -- OpenAI temperature. Optional. Default is 0.6
    openai_temperature = 0.6,
    -- Debug mode. Optional. Default is false
    debug = false, -- Alternatively, use environment variable NAVI_DEBUG=true
    -- Setup for input window 
    prompt_window = {
        border = "single",
        style = "minimal",
        relative = "editor",
    -- Setup for window showing various reports
    report_window = {
        -- Specifies if the report will be shown in a vertical window or in a floating window.
        window = "floating",
        border = "single",
        style = "minimal",
        relative = "editor",

-- Set keybindings
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('v', '<C-PageDown>', '', { callback = navi.openRange })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('i', '<C-PageDown>', '', { callback = navi.open })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('v', '<C-PageUp>', '', { callback = navi.requestReview })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('v', '<C-End>', '', { callback = navi.explainRange })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<C-End>', '', { callback = navi.openChat })


  • Make the current file context of the chat interface
  • Make the chat toggleable
  • Improve prompts
  • Refactor


  • Where can I get an OpenAI token?


  • Can naVi close nVim for me?

    AI has come far, but not that far. We'll have to wait for human alignment before attempting this.

  • Neat! How can I contribute?

    Great! Check out the contributing guide for more information.


Yet another nVim OpenAI plugin

License:MIT License


Language:Lua 98.6%Language:Vim Script 1.4%