abh / geodns

DNS server with per-client targeted responses

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Domain geo record clarification

gugansankar opened this issue · comments


I'm planning to migrate my dns from pgeodns to this version. But When I look into the sample configuration of ntp , the entries are making me some confusion on geo record.

What is difference between the below record for country Malaysia

3.my , 1.my , 0.my ,2.my from ntppool.org.json


Any idea ?

Instead of "3", "1", etc think of "www". So if your domain is "example.com" then you make a global/default entry "www" and another "www.my" for users in Malaysia. Does that make sense?

Since you are migrating from pgeodns you might also be interested in the geodes-config program that's in the pgeodns repository. It converts the old pgeodns text configuration format to the JSON format:


We actually still use this for some of the perl.org data. (!)


Thanks for your explanation. I already start using Go-GeoDNS.

Very cool. Thank you for following up. 👍