abeytaadam / rails_blog_app

Build a Rails blog to practice authentication, Active Record associations, and testing

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Rails Blog App

Objective: Use Rails to build a full-stack blog application. You will be building this app over the course of three evenings.

Your objective for this evening is to set up the users resource of your blog and implement authentication, validations, and error-handling.

Getting Started

  1. Fork this repo, and clone it into your develop folder on your local machine.
  2. Change directories into rails_blog_app, and run rake db:create db:migrate from the Terminal.
  3. Start your Rails server, then you're ready to go!

Minimum Requirements

  • RESTful routes for the users resource. Your app should have the following routes:
    • GET /users
    • GET /users/new (or GET /signup)
    • POST /users
    • GET /users/:id
    • GET /users/:id/edit
    • PUT /users/:id and/or PATCH /users/:id (Rails resources generates both)
    • DELETE /users/:id
  • Controller actions for each of your RESTful routes that implement CRUD for users (for now, you can let any user update or delete another user in the database).
  • A User model and corresponding database table with the minimum attributes email and password_digest.
  • Model validations on User:
    • email: presence, uniqueness, validates format
    • password: presence, minimum 6 characters
  • Error-handling in the UsersController that redirects the user if they submit invalid form data and shows a flash message with the error.
  • The ability for users to sign up with a secure password and log back into your site. You will need the following routes for authentication in addition to the RESTful routes listed above:
    • GET /login
    • POST /login or POST /sessions
    • GET /logout

If you get stuck at any point or need extra guidance, feel free to look at the solution branch or follow along with the Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl.


  • Authorize your site by only letting users update and delete their own accounts. Hints:
    • You'll need to check for the current_user in the view to determine whether or not to show the edit and delete buttons. You'll also need to check for the current_user in any controller method you want to authorize.
    • If current_user is the same @user found by the id in the URL params, the user is authorized to update and delete.
  • Another step to authorization is making sure the current_user cannot sign up or log in again. Use the current_user method in your controllers to authorize those routes as well.

Refer to the solution_authorization branch for guidance.


  • As you make code changes, frequently commit and push to GitHub.
  • Once you've finished the assignment and pushed your work to GitHub, make a pull request from your fork to the original repo.


Build a Rails blog to practice authentication, Active Record associations, and testing


Language:Ruby 71.4%Language:HTML 22.0%Language:CSS 3.2%Language:JavaScript 2.0%Language:CoffeeScript 1.3%