abdullah2891 / commit-etiquette

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

#Commit Etiquette

helper addon in git to make better commit message

no more test or weird one line commit message


fetch test commits (javacript prefered)

find good rule base syntax anaylyzer and feed the git diff/commit to analyzer

Example user worked on function testCommit . commit message includes mention of test commit function and if user changes parameter , describe parameter change . allow user to make more clarification if needed

suggest a commit message, allow user to edit or add on to commit message (utilize git hook ?)

apply machine learning to make the commit message more "human?"

Basic Architecture Code will live in git hooks. language (can we work in rust please?!) Blocker with rust , don't know rust

#User stories

Make a test dataset

Find good repo with good code commit message and create test data set (for testing and machine learning)

Create git hooks

Research js syntax analyzer (using esprima==4.0.1) done

Research NLP models for transfer learning (strech goal)
