aarontaylor / RedditSaveTransfer

A little tool for pulling saved posts from your Reddit account.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reddit Saved Post Transfer Tool (Requires Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5)
By MavisPuford

Yeah, I know.  Creative name!  :)


This tool (assuming it works right) lets you load up your saved posts
from Reddit.  From there you can Export them to a HTML/CSV file, save
them to another account, or get rid of them.  

That's uh... That's about it.

My reason for creating this is that I have hundreds of saved posts,
and I'm always like:  "Hey, I wanna look at all my r/food saved posts
in one place."  I seem to compulsively save posts and never look at 
them again because I have to sift through pages of posts just to get
to the one I need (and if I don't know what words were in the title, 
it's even harder to find it).  So now I can export my r/food posts to
an HTML file, open it up in my browser and look at them all in one
place.  CTRL + F, "cinnamon".  Oh, there it is!

This is also nice for programs like Evernote, Onenote, whatevernote.
Export all your saved posts from r/frugal, import them into whatever
program you use, and you've got them all in a place where they are 
searchable and they won't be lost.

Or if I want to just have a Reddit account for r/food, I can create
one and transfer my r/food saved links to that.  

You get the idea...


First, put in your credentials and click Load Saved Posts.

After that, you can export the saved posts to a file (HTML and CSV),
unsave them, or copy the posts to another Reddit account by putting
in the credentials on the right and clicking Copy!

Checking Unsave from left account after saving unsaves the posts
after they have been copied to the new account.

Checking Match selected rows transfers/exports only the posts that
match the selected rows in the table.

Want to unsave just one post?  Just check Match selected rows, go to
the post and select its id, then click Unsave.


They have to be done one at a time, and Reddit's servers have limits
on how often you can make requests (about one request every 2 seconds).


You will need Newtonsoft Json.NET in order for the project to compile.
The best way to do that is to download and install NuGet (it's free):



A little tool for pulling saved posts from your Reddit account.

License:MIT License