aaronjanse / 3mux

Terminal multiplexer inspired by i3

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Binary release builds

arjvik opened this issue · comments


3mux looks really cool, and I would love to try it out. Unfortunately, I don't have a go toolchain setup, so I would rather download a single binary and run it. Would it be possible for you to upload the binary outputted by go into the github releases?


This is a good idea. I'll try to get this done tomorrow evening.


Probably semantic-release is worth trying

This is a good idea. I'll try to get this done tomorrow evening.

Ahhh. I'm now aiming for this weekend for the sessions release 🎉

Build for ARM too please.


@aaronjanse if you don't want to mess with JavaScript ecosystem, there's a go rewrite.

The latest release of 3mux on Github now has pre-built binaries for linux-amd64, linux-arm64, and darwin-amd64.

@kcthrn I've used my Raspberry Pi to verify that the arm64 binary works (it does!)

@aaronjanse I have 32-bit ARM (armv7). I intend to run 3mux on Termux. Is 32-bit arm possible? Btw, thanks for the other binaries!

@kcthrn would you mind checking if the attached binary works? If so, I'll add it to the v1.0.0 release. Future release should have a 32-bit arm binary automatically built and attached.


@aaronjanse In Termux I get this:

panic: open /tmp/3mux/: no such file or directory

goroutine 1 [running]:
main.defaultPrompt(0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
        /home/nixos/.go/src/github.com/aaronjanse/3mux/main.go:234 +0xf44
        /home/nixos/.go/src/github.com/aaronjanse/3mux/main.go:121 +0x53c

Termux's tmp directory is actually TMPDIR=/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/tmp. I believe 3mux fails because the tmp directory may be hardcoded.

Wikipedia states for POSIX, the TMPDIR environment variable is used to set the system's temporary directory. Others include TEMP, TEMPDIR and TMP for non-POSIX OSs.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TMPDIR

3mux does work in a PRoot environment (Alpine Linux) within Termux however.

Whoa, 3mux within Termux is crazy cool!

I'll fix that tonight. Thanks for investigating.

@kcthrn would you mind trying v1.0.1? It has an ARM binary on the releases page

@aaronjanse It works! Thank you!
