aaronjanse / 3mux

Terminal multiplexer inspired by i3

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tag v1.0.1 as the latest release?

carlocab opened this issue · comments

I've submitted 3mux for packaging in Homebrew (cf. #88).

However your latest release (v0.3.0) on GitHub doesn't build for me on Big Sur. v1.0.1 does, but it's currently listed as a pre-release.

Could you please tag v1.0.1 as the latest release, so that 3mux can be accepted into Homebrew? Thanks!

Homebrew PR: Homebrew/homebrew-core#72093


PR #101 should significantly improve 3mux efficiency. Once that's merged (hopefully very soon) I'll make sure to tag an official GitHub release and leave a comment in this issue.

I'll make sure to make versions tags in the future work better with package managers

Planning to tag a release version soon! (v1.1.0)