aarondandy / WeCantSpell.Roslyn

A spell check analyzer for Roslyn languages, probably abandoned.

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Provide an implementation of a spellchecker that uses NHunspell

SeanFarrow opened this issue · comments

It would be nice to have a full implementation of a spell checker that uses NHunspell rather than just a debug spell checker.
I would do this myself, but I can't see how to load the dictionaries you provide in .net standard.

I wrote a port myself to do just that. I have been real busy with work the last two weeks so have not had a chance to wire it all up yet. I was first going to focus on making sure I have the roslyn analyzer working how I wanted and then wire a proper spell checker up to it. My other project where I ported the Hunspell project to .NET standard can be found here: https://github.com/aarondandy/WeCantSpell.Hunspell

I don't have any dates in place yet with respect to completing this but I do hope to get some milestones added. You can watch the project to see it's progress. I have not had any time to solidify any of the design and write it down yet but if you are willing to help I would be more than happy to discuss it over discord or hangouts or something, let me know.

Sure, I'm aaron.dandy@live.com and should be around. I'll pop the client open here and there.