aaroncodehub / amazon-clone-react-redux

It is a fully functional E-Commerical Amazon clone including user register, user login, user authentication, shop cart management, order management, and payment using STRIPE, etc.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Amazon Clone Index

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
It is a fully functional E-Commerical Amazon clone including user register, user login, user authentication, shop cart management, order management, and payment using STRIPE, etc.

Technical Skills used in this project

Front End Back End
✔ react hooks ✔ NodeJS
✔ react redux ✔ Express / cors
✔ react router ✔ Authtentication with Firebase
✔ redux toolkit ✔ Firebase Cloud Function
✔ redux-devtools-extension ✔ Firebase Hosting
✔ immer ✔ Realtime Database / Cloud Firestore
✔ reselect ✔ Stripe-js
✔ redux-thunk -
✔ redux-persist -
✔ formik -
✔ SASS -
✔ react bootstrap / AntDesign -


Quick start

  • Download from Github or clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/aaroncodehub/amazon-clone.git

  • Make sure your NodeJS and npm versions are up to date for 16.13.1

  • Install dependencies: npm install or yarn

  • Start the server: npm run start or yarn start

  • Views are on: localhost:3000

  • Payment API Endpoint: https://us-central1-github-c5c88.cloudfunctions.net/amazonStripeApi or
    Get a local endpoint: firebase emulators:start


It is a fully functional E-Commerical Amazon clone including user register, user login, user authentication, shop cart management, order management, and payment using STRIPE, etc.


Language:JavaScript 85.7%Language:SCSS 13.0%Language:HTML 1.2%