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[Help] is fakeopen.com endpoint is dead? do we have to host a pandoranext from now on?

abaynp opened this issue · comments

Problem Statement
I was working normal few days ago, but now it returns error

"429 too many request, It is recommended to upgrade to the latest PandoraNext: https://github.com/pandora-next/deploy"

Seems like the server of https://ai.fakeopen.com/v1/chat/completions
But when I try here https://chat1.geekgpt.org/ it's still working normal

I do tried to call to my local pandoranext , it's working normal tho, so I'm sure the share token is also working.

Is the https://ai.fakeopen.com/v1/chat/completions endpoint is dead?
Or is it happen deliberately to force user to host their own pandoranext?
or is it really just 429 too many requests?

I'm confuse, because I tried here https://chat1.geekgpt.org/ with the same https://ai.fakeopen.com/v1/chat/completions and the same share_token and it is working normal , not return 429

Please look at log

sometimes returns:

ERROR: The remote server returned an error: (429) Too Many Requests.
ERROR: Cannot index into a null array.

sometimes it returns like this:

Some error has occurred. Statuscode: 429
     "error": {
         "message": "It is recommended to upgrade to the latest PandoraNext: https://github.com/pandora-next/deploy",
         "type": "invalid_request_error",
         "param": null,
         "code": null

Environmental information:

  • Operating system: Windows
  • Version: 11
  • Architecture: x86_64

the fakeopen dev nuked the endpoint. he ask me to use pandoranext as the end point instead.

please share if somebody kind enough to share their pandoranext endpoint, thank you.

It just needs some headers to work