aalok05 / CodeHub

A UWP GitHub Client

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cannot login github account

Zrincet opened this issue · comments


tim 20181107174109
Authorize button is disabled.

Hmmmm wierd.

Hi @aalok05,
I think the changed app Id and key in app config is causing the problem since you have changed it in the dev branch. While deployment to have to change it back to original one. Though in my PC, its working without any issues

@Zrincet Is this screenshot from the store app? Or are you running the solution locally?

same issue

@KaziFarhanuddin Does this happen in the store app or your local repo?

same issue + 1

windows 1809 and above


@aalok05 App downloaded in the Microsoft Store,and the version of windows10 is 1809.

Ok, working on this. @rafsanulhasan thoughts?

@aalok05, I am facing the same issue too after revoking permission from GitHub OAuth App. It might be solved by updating the Windows UWP SDK itself from the NuGet.


I found another issue related to it maybe, it is showing a warning that Internet Explorer (IE) is no longer supported. This happened because when you are calling WebAuthenticationBroker from the AuthService, it might be getting/using IE behind the scenes to show the OAuth Login window from GitHub. Updating the UWP SDK might solve the problem because the latest SDK might be using Edge instead of IE, but I'm not sure really. Try using other ways to show up the OAuth Dialog might solve the issue.


I'll update the UWP SDK and if this works, I'll submit to store ASAP. Thanks for your patience.


I'll have to implement a custom OAuth flow that uses Edge (Webview) instead of WebAuthenticationBroker, because WebAuthenticationBroker uses IE and IE is not supported by GitHub anymore.
I blame MSFT for still using IE in WebAuthenticationBroker popup window, This is shitty.

custom flow for OAuth is always the best solution for any mobile/web/desktop app. I wish GitHub would have supported OpedID Connect along with OAuth.

@aalok05 I think instead of implicit flow you should use hybrid flow for better security

Microsoft is making Edge a Chromium based Browser and going to bring it into UWP. I hope it's gonna work then...

Please update your UWP app. I can't use it completely now. That's a terrible experience. I want to use UWP to view Github.com instead of the web. Please update it as soon as possible.

@aberus Thanks, will have a look.

@aberus This is awesome. It’s exactly what we need.

Addressed in 393a30b