aalhour / C-Sharp-Algorithms

:books: :chart_with_upwards_trend: Plug-and-play class-library project of standard Data Structures and Algorithms in C#

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[Security] Workflow build_and_test.yml is using vulnerable action actions/checkout

Ale0x78 opened this issue · comments


The workflow build_and_test.yml is referencing action actions/checkout using references v1. However this reference is missing the commit a6747255bd19d7a757dbdda8c654a9f84db19839 which may contain fix to the some vulnerability.
The vulnerability fix that is missing by actions version could be related to:
(1) CVE fix
(2) upgrade of vulnerable dependency
(3) fix to secret leak and others.
Please consider to update the reference to the action.

Thanks for supporting the development of C# Algorithms with your first issue! We look forward to handling it.