aahung / Unshaky

A software attempt to address the "double key press" issue on Apple's butterfly keyboard [not actively maintained]

Home Page:https://unshaky.nestederror.com

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"Unknown" input on debug feature?

endoplasmian opened this issue · comments

I've been having the regular Mac problem where I'll type something, and then my computer will repeat the last 3-10 ish characters I typed, eg:
My Input: Hello world
My computer's output: Hello ello world

It also periodically seems to fix itself and stop doing the double typing. Which is great, except for when I'm trying to show someone what's wrong with it.

I opened the debug feature to watch it while it does this, and when it does, it says a key called "Unknown" has been pressed. I can't find this mentioned anywhere else.
Screen Shot 2020-11-16 at 6 14 35 PM
Screen Shot 2020-11-16 at 6 13 36 PM

I am not by any means a tech person. I have literally no clue what could be causing this but it's incredibly annoying. I'm not pressing any key when it says that. I just want to write my college papers in peace lol.

Please help?

Just for further example, I'm going to type a short sentence and then show what the debug did during that.

  Hello my name is anna and I amam fed up. 

Screen Shot 2020-11-16 at 6 28 13 PM
The bold is where the mysterious "unknown" key was pressed, and the italics are what got repeated. (I added the spacing.)

I should mention that I have double typing turned completely off.
It also says that it's stopped 0 shaky presses.

Well, it turns out the issue was my Wacom driver that I don't use! It still had access to input monitoring in my system preferences and was apparently running in the background despite me not having used my tablet for... six months? One of my friends had the same issue and helped me fix it. All I had to do was stop giving it access. It's weird- that program must have been running in the background for months, but only became an issue after I installed Catalina. Weird!!