aahnik / tgcf

The ultimate tool to automate custom telegram message forwarding. Live-syncer, Auto-poster, backup-bot, cloner, chat-forwarder, duplicator, ... Call it whatever you like! tgcf can fulfill your custom needs.

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Docker Container Lost Settings after Restart or container

wes1993 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When I stop the docker container and start again all settings gone...

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Run the docker container, configure the connections, stop and start again the container

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
Keep the settings

If applicable, add screenshots and gifs to help explain your problem.
Not applicable
System information:
In which OS are you running? GIve all details of where you have deployed the application. Make sure to give detailed version information.
Docker using the image provided in the wiki

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

I have this issue too,
I think we should add disk config to docker container.
But I don't want add whole /app directory to disk

I have fixed adding /app to my local FS (Insede there are config and logs files only)

If you are in development your solotion is ok but It's wrong to set whole /app directory sync to your disk in production
I find better solotion.
I read the code and findout if you set MONGO_CON_STR env variable then your data is persistant in Mongo DB.

I guess 'CONFIG_ENV_VAR_NAME' is not respected at all