aahancoc / tree_magic

Determines the MIME type of a file by traversing a filetype tree.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Semver breaking change in v0.2.2

tarcieri opened this issue · comments

First, thanks for this crate. It's the nicest MIME type detector I've found in pure Rust.

I'm using it as a library, and the v0.2.2 release made a breaking change to the API, namely tree_magic::from_filepath now returns an Option.

I've gone ahead and changed my crate's version requirement to be = 0.2.1 until I can update it, but in the future it'd be helpful if changes like this could be accompanied by a minor version bump.

Whoops, I apologize about that. I'll try and fix that and make a 0.2.3 release.

The issue was that I had completely forgotten that I had started work on master that deviated from 0.2.x's API.

Version 0.2.2 has been yanked. Closing this issue.

Thank you! That version worked like a charm.