aafanasev / kson

Gson TypeAdapter & Factory generator for Kotlin data classes

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Support default values

aafanasev opened this issue · comments

data class Entity(val id: Int = 42)


when doing it, will the ability for values in json that come down as null be mapped to default values too?

Hello, @aafanasev

Can we provide an annotation, suppose it is called @Default, and the function annotated by it can provide the default value of this data class?

For example, for this data class:

data class Foo(
    val stringValue: String,
    val intValue: Int
) {
    companion object {
        fun provideDefault(): Foo = Foo("string value", 233)

or data class with default value:

data class Bar(
    val stringValue: String = "default",
    @SerializedName("integer") = 233
    val intValue: Int
) {
    companion object {
        fun provideDefault(): Bar {
            return  Bar()

And then, the generated class's deserialize function will look like this:

override fun read(reader: JsonReader): Foo? {
  if (reader.peek() == JsonToken.NULL) {
    return null

  // Foo.provideDefault() is annotated by @Default
  val default = Foo.provideDefault()

  var stringValue: kotlin.String? = null
  var intValue: kotlin.Int? = null
  while (reader.hasNext()) {
    if (reader.peek() == JsonToken.NULL) {
    when (reader.nextName()) {
      "str" -> stringValue = string_adapter.read(reader)
      "integer" -> intValue = int_adapter.read(reader)
      else -> reader.skipValue()

  return Foo(
      stringValue = stringValue ?: default.stringValue,
      intValue = intValue ?: default.intValue

From the point of caller, this way just add an optional annotation, I think it just ok.

@zkw012300 awesome! I'll prepare a POC of your solution.