aadsm / JavaScript-ID3-Reader

ID3 tags reader in JavaScript (ID3v1, ID3v2 and AAC)

Home Page:http://www.aadsm.net/libraries/id3/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

tags.picture return undefined

Pixeladed opened this issue · comments

On of my file return undefined when i try to access its tags.picture. When i use your demo, it display the artwork

This is the object your demo output:

Object {
version: "2.3.0",
major: 3,
revision: 0,
flags: Object,
size: 84152…
APIC: ObjectCOMM: Objectdata: Objectdescription: "Comments"
id: "COMM"
size: 5 proto: ObjectTALB: ObjectTCON: Objectdata: "Progressive House"
description: "Content type"
id: "TCON"
size: 18 proto: ObjectTIT2: ObjectTPE1: ObjectTYER: Objectartist: "Tobu"
comment: Objectflags: Objectgenre: "Progressive House"
major: 3
picture: Objectdata: Array[81886][0… 9999][10000… 19999][20000… 29999][30000… 39999][40000… 49999][50000… 59999][60000… 69999][70000… 79999][80000… 81885] length: 81886 proto: Array[0] description: ""
format: "image/jpeg"
type: "Cover (back)"
proto: Objectrevision: 0 size: 84152 title: "Seven"
version: "2.3.0"
year: "2014"
proto: Object

This is the one mine produced:

Object {
version: "2.3.0",
major: 3,
revision: 0,
flags: Object,
size: 84152…
TALB: ObjectTIT2: ObjectTPE1: Objectartist: "Tobu"
flags: Objectmajor: 3 revision: 0 size: 84152 title: "Seven"
version: "2.3.0"
proto: Object

I'm developing in chrome packaged app. does it effect anything at all?

It seems that your music files does not have the APIC tag. You need to add the cover art using a tool like iTunes or another ID3 tag editor.