a7medev / react-native-ml-kit

React Native On-Device Machine Learning w/ Google ML Kit

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iOS cocoapods versions

wilav-dev opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to run pod install, and I'm getting the following error. Any help?

[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore":
  In Podfile:
    RNMLKitFaceDetection (from `../node_modules/@react-native-ml-kit/face-detection`) was resolved to 1.1.1, which depends on
      GoogleMLKit/FaceDetection (= 2.6.0) was resolved to 2.6.0, which depends on
        GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore (= 2.6.0)

    RNMLKitTextRecognition (from `../node_modules/@react-native-ml-kit/text-recognition`) was resolved to 1.1.1, which depends on
      GoogleMLKit/TextRecognition (= 2.2.0) was resolved to 2.2.0, which depends on
        GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore (= 2.2.0)

It seems like CocoaPods didn't update GoogleMLKit/TextRecognition. Try running pod update instead of pod install.

I tried that and can't find it. Maybe because your ios version is 9?

Make sure you have the latest version of @react-native-ml-kit/text-recognition (currently it's 1.2.0 and the error says you're using 1.1.1).

Thank you again! Sorry for the issue

Hey! guys I'm facing this issue when in pod install or pod update

can anyone help me how it resolve.

using OS: 13.0
react-native: 0.63.4
"react-native-text-recognition": "^1.0.0",

[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "react-native-text-recognition":
In Podfile:
react-native-text-recognition (from ../node_modules/react-native-text-recognition)

Specs satisfying the react-native-text-recognition (from ../node_modules/react-native-text-recognition) dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.