a5kin / xentica

GPU-accelerated engine for multi-dimensional cellular automata

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Weird way to declare variables

a5kin opened this issue · comments

Right now, we should declare variables in a really weird way, in order to work properly.

def absorb(self):
    self.__class__.intvar = IntegerVariable()
    self.intvar = self.main.state
    self.main.state = -self.intvar

Have to fix it to work as follows:

def absorb(self):
    self.intvar = IntegerVariable()
    self.intvar = self.main.state
    self.main.state = -self.intvar

Variables behavior as class descriptors has been fixed. Now it generates correct code with variable name. In case you need direct assignments to variables, it is much more convenient to declare a variable at the class level, then reuse them in emit/absorb functions just like that:

class InvertCA(core.CellularAutomaton):
    state = core.IntegerProperty(max_val=1)
    intvar = IntegerVariable()

    class Topology:
        dimensions = 2
        lattice = core.OrthogonalLattice()
        neighborhood = core.MooreNeighborhood()
        border = core.TorusBorder()

    def emit(self):
        """Do nothing at emit phase."""

    def absorb(self):
        """Invert cell's value."""
        self.intvar = self.main.state
        self.main.state = -self.intvar