a5hik / ng-sortable

AngularJS Library for Drag and Drop, supports Sortable and Draggable. Supports Touch devices.

Home Page:http://a5hik.github.io/ng-sortable/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Clarification Requested

loganom opened this issue · comments

Hi @a5hik,

I had noticed that the dragMove callback is called from inside an $apply. Is this desirable? If so, in which cases?

I'm mostly curious since the dragMove callback, when defined, is called after each touchmove/mousemove event (very frequently), and will result in a $digest cycle for each event (or at least that's what I have observed).

link to source: https://github.com/a5hik/ng-sortable/blob/master/dist/ng-sortable.js#L895