a544jh / panel-pop

Panel de Pon / Tetris Attack / Puzzle League clone

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Please AI VS AI mode support

himrock922 opened this issue · comments

Hi everyone.
First, Thanks for this panel-pop release!

I'm web developer, not game(also game ai )developer.
But, I want learning about game ai.
Therefore, I'm customize that ai based on panel-pop ai.

My hope is support AI vs AI mode on panel-pop.
Hereby, that can new ai performance compare with existing AI.

attach file is AI vs AI mode sample gif


It's already kind of implemented. If you wait at the title screen it will play a demo, which is the AI playing against itself. It's set up in the DemoGameState class. If you want to implement your own AI, you can inherit the BoardController class.


Sorry, This issue close.